We do not have your workbook.
If you post a couple of these fractions and what you think their decimal equivalents are, we'll be glad to help you.
this is from homework work book .
write each fraction or mixed numberas a decimal. use bar notation if the decimal is a repeating decimal
2 answers
i have homework and it saids
3 2 1
5,3, and 2. the LCM of 5,3, and 2 is _____.so_____ is the lcd.
i don't understand the teacher did not explainn good
the work book is called
all-in-one student work book
version A
prentice hall
mathematics course 2
please help mhe i need lots of helpp .! :[
3 2 1
5,3, and 2. the LCM of 5,3, and 2 is _____.so_____ is the lcd.
i don't understand the teacher did not explainn good
the work book is called
all-in-one student work book
version A
prentice hall
mathematics course 2
please help mhe i need lots of helpp .! :[