Thank you for the instruction. This website is not for cheating. When you cheat, you do not remember what you are learning about. Therefore, by cheating you will fail the standardized testing. Once you do fail the standard testing, your school will see that and say "Due to fails, Virtual is no longer an option." you will then proceed to go to school in a mask, (like other students) and lose 23% of your brain power because your brain will not get oxygen. If you need all that to realize the issue of cheating, continue. Once you lose 46% (2 years) of your brain power, you will look back and ask why you cheated. Cheating is not a joke, now more than ever. Please, I beg you DO NOT CHEAT FOR YOUR OWN SANITY!
like if this bs dislike if giving answers are cheating
This is for unit 1 lesson 11 test.
These are all ones you need to write the answer, just need a starter.
15. Settlers treated the environment differently from native people. In a paragraph, explain how each group interacted with environment.
(4 points)
16. In what ways does the physical location of Washington contribute to its economy?
(4 points)
17. Describe one example of how a new idea and/or technology has benefitted the economy in Washington. Then describe another situation in which this idea would be beneficial.
(4 points)
18. Describe how has tourism has affected the environment of Washington. Has the effect been negative or positive? Explain your answer.
(4 points)
I need help as soon as possible.
3 answers
We won't remember it even if we don't cheat.
We don’t care bout cheating