This is for my science fair project.
I was wondering, how do I "MEASURE A STAIN"? Since my project consists of staining some cloths, and comparing the differences of how Dove soap, dollarstore soap, and lard soap cleans the stain. My teacher said that he will only let me do this project if I am able to find a way to "measure stains"! Please help!
5 answers
Do you mean measure the size or measure the color or measure the density (the "intensity")? What kind of equipment do you have? What grade level? Size can be done with a ruler. Both color and intensity of the stain can be measured with instruments but these are not available to the average high school student. If you give some indication of the kind of measurement you want, perhaps someone will be able to help point you in the right direction.
i BELIEVE i need the density of the stain, but my teacher did not specify
And I am in Grade 12 chemistry.
And he said that we have some old instruments tucked away, so I'm not sure if he has something that COULD measure the stains.
And I am in Grade 12 chemistry.
And he said that we have some old instruments tucked away, so I'm not sure if he has something that COULD measure the stains.
Or it might be the colour, either the colour or the density of the stain. Since I just need to measure how clean it is after I used the soap on it.
You might ask if his instruments will measure reflectance. The reflectance meters with which I am familiar are designed to measure the brightness of whites; e.g. paper, gloss, etc. I don't know if they would differentiate between stains that were not white AND were relatively dense. But they might reflect well enough to discern the DIFFERENCE between the raw stain and the washed stain. After you determine exactly what kind of instruments are available and what kind of measurement you need to make, I suggest you repost with the new information. Perhaps someone can help.
idonot no what to on my contry