this is about the book "Oedipus the King". how can i make two questions about Oedipus from this definition of anger?

"The man who is slighted by those who thinks ought to respect him and feel grateful toward him is the more easily offended."

7 answers

What was Oedipus's first reaction to what Tiresias told him?

How did Oedipus's thinking change as he learned the truth from others?
Thanks so much! Do you know what pages I could find the answers on?
I don't have your book, so I don't. But find the place where Tiresias first shows up and keep on reading.
Or ... go here

Press Ctrl + F and type in TEIRESIAS (just like that). Then click on the down arrows until you see Enter TEIRESIAS. Keep reading.
alright, ill check it out, thanks!
Does the second question you came up with happen before page 27?
oh sorry, never mind. I forgot you said that there's different books. It's just that our class has only read up to a certain point and I don't want to ask a question about something that we haven't read yet. I probably should have mentioned this before :P