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Taino and Europeans
This is about Taino and Europeans when Columbus found the New World.
-Did Taino and Europeans agree on anything?
-What did the Europeans taste and feel while on the so called New World
-What did the Taino smell, taste, and feel while seeing Europeans?
Can I just have some tips or helpful links maybe?
4 answers
alright I will try it out.
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
Nothing really showed what I was looking for. Thanks though.
Because the Taino people were wiped out after contact with Cortez by the smallpox he brought, there is little way of knowing what they might if agreed upon. While the Europeans they encountered were greedy, according to Columbus himself, the Taino were very generous. With the little that is factually know of them, there is little to recommend agreements on any front that we, in present day, would consider worthy.