This is a summary of my notes from the article: Please read. Now I need help with putting it into a summary paragraph

WHEN I FIRST MEET TAMMY DUCKWORTH in her suburban Chicago campaign office, she
nearly mows me over with her $4,000 titanium wheelchair as she cruises a narrow hallway
festooned with military mementos.
Her copilot that day, Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Milberg (who's preparing to deploy on his
third overseas tour since 9/11), says if anyone is a hero it's Duckworth.
Thirteen months after the attack, Duckworth was back on Army duty on titanium legs, and was
training to fly again.
Now, Duckworth is running for Congress against Republican incumbent Joe Walsh, a tea party
freshman noted for calling President Obama a "tyrant" and engaging in legal battle over his
child support payments.
Should Duckworth win, she would be the first-ever woman injured in combat to be elected to
national office.
But to get to Washington, Duckworth will have to beat an opponent who says her war record is
only worth so much.
After telling Politico last spring that he had "so much respect" for Duckworth's sacrifice, Walsh
went for the throat: "What else has she done? While studying international affairs at George
Washington University, Duckworth joined ROTe, which is how she met her husband, Bryan
Bowlsbey, now a major in the Army National Guard.
At a time when injured Iraq vets were starting to come home in droves, Duckworth's can-do
attitude made her a darling on the morning show circuit and earned her glowing write-ups in
magazines like Glamour.
But no such luck: Duckworth declared her first candidacy for Congress in 2005 as one of the
"Fighting Dems," a cohort of vets aiming to seize the national-security mantle from the coy.
There were dirty tricks: Some voters received a barrage of robocalls that sounded at the outset
like they could have been from Duckworth's campaign but in fact had been bankrolled by the
National Republican Congressional Committee.
In both agencies Duckworth tackled the daunting challenge of reintegrating returning vets into
the economy: As recently as last year, veterans aged 20 to 24 faced a whopping
unemployment rate of 30 percent.
In Illinois, Duckworth pushed successfully for tax credits for businesses that hire vets with
wartime service.
Fox News assailed Duckworth and accused the VA of telling injured vets to "hurry up and die."
Duckworth was unfazed, as she is by Walsh's attacks on her military profile, which she brushes
aside as a distraction from voters' real concerns.
"I absolutely welcome a full investigation into the for-profit schools, because I think a majority
of them are predatory," Duckworth says.
In one effort to counter Walsh's war chest, Duckworth boosted her funds with a July benefit
concert by "the real Joe Walsh"-the Eagles singer-who is represented by the talent agency run
by Rahm's brother Ari Emanuel.
When Duckworth first got her new legs she could barely walk, and she couldn't sit for more
than a few hours at a time.
This particular weekend has been jammed with campaign events-breakfast with organizers of
a political action committee, a meet-and-greet at a barbecue restaurant, a small-donor
fundraiser at a teacher's house-but Duckworth insists on a final stop: a summerfest in the
elm-lined burg of Villa Park.
"I'm proud to be affiliated with a group that epitomizes the military spirit like they do," Milberg
says-and none more so than Duckworth, whose politics, he notes, generally don't align with
those of her crewmates.

21 answers

This does not look like a summary. It appears to be the entire article.

Study this web site for information about how to summarize.
I read through the website and with the information I sent you. I still cannt come up with the main idea. Can you help start me off
What are the 5 W's of this article?

Who - Tammy Duckworth

WHat - Running for Congress against Joe Walsh

When - This November

Why - Her policy - the challengeof reintergrating returning vets into the economy and tax credits for businesses that hire vets with wartime service

How -- Not Sure
There! You almost have your summary completed. You can add that she was wounded in Iraq and lost her legs.
OK But what about the How? and what other information should I put down
You don't need How. You could include Where.

The information you've already found can be your first couple of sentences. Then you can add the details you think are interesting, if you want.
I cant find the where. Can you help? Also can you help me start the summary and then I will fillin the blanks
The Where is Illinois.

I'll be glad to check YOUR summary.
I will send a summary to you completed but I just need a start..
Can you help????
Start with --

Tammy Duckworth
I was actually looking for more of an introductory sentence to start off with
I was actually looking for more of an introductory sentence to start off with
Here is my summary so far.. What do you think and and what else can I add

In the article “Unbreakable” by Adam Weinstein, the author speaks with a very remarkable woman, Tammy Duckworth. She is a vet that lost her legs in Iraq in November, 2004 and now is running for Congress a second time after her loss in 2006. She is up against Republican incumbent, Joe Walsh, who has been noted to call President Obama a tyrant and has had legal battles regarding his child support. If Duckworth happens to win this time around she will be the first ever woman injured in combat to be elected to national office but to get there she needs to beat her opponent Walsh, who says her war record is only worth so much. Duckworth’s political platform consists of tackling the daunting challenge of reintegrating returning vets into the economy. In the last year, veterans aged 20 to 24 faced an unemployment rate of 30 percent. Also, in Illinois Duckworth has pushed successfully for tax credits for businesses that hire vets with wartime services. Tammy Duckworth is an amazing woman and no matter win or lose, she still will celebrate because her loss gave her a great gift of perspective.
Hello Ms. Sue. Waiting on your response please!!
It's pretty good. Please put more of it in your own words -- like "daunting challenge." Also, omit the last sentence.
Ok what else can I add?
You have enough for a summary.
why would you omit the last sentence
why would you omit the last sentence