This is a star map of the constellation Orion. It represents part of the celestial sphere on a specific day, time, and location.
star chart depicting constellations. On the left side of the star map is the declination, ranging from -26⁰ at the bottom of the chart to 34⁰ at the top of the chart in increments of 2⁰. The right ascension begins at 7h and decreases hourly as you move to the right. The larger stars that comprise the constellation Orion are; Rigel with a declination between -10⁰ and 0⁰ and right ascension between 6h and 5h. Alnitak has a declination between -10⁰ and 0⁰ and a right ascension between 6h and 5h. Bellatrix has a declination between +10⁰ and 0⁰ and a right ascension between 6h and 5h. Betelgeuse has a declination between +10⁰ and 0⁰ and a right ascension between 6h and 5h
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What are the approximate coordinates of the star Rigel?
5 hours 10 minutes right ascension and -8⁰ declination
5 hours 40 minutes right ascension and -2⁰ declination
5 hours 40 minutes right ascension and 10⁰ declination
6 hours 50 minutes right ascension and 6⁰ declination
1 answer