This is a sample:

fs- RAIN---------------------------RAIN (nmm: mmm)
fs- DRIZZLE----------------------RAIN (modified sign and facial expression to show -----------------------------------------very light rain, nmm : ooo)
fs- DOWNPOUR-----------------RAIN (modified sign and facial expression to show very heavy rain, nmm: cha)

Make your own orginal work./

5 answers

Sure! Here's an original work following the same format:

fs- SUNSHINE---------------------SUN (nmm: mmm)
fs- OVERCAST---------------------CLOUDY (nmm: ooo)
fs- THUNDERSTORM----------------STORM (modified sign and facial expression to show intense weather, nmm: cha)
fs- FOG----------------------------MIST (nmm: ppp)
fs- SNOWFALL---------------------SNOW (modified sign and facial expression to convey light snow, nmm: sss)

what is with the ooo's and sss and ppps?

The "nmm" notation refers to "non-manual markers," which are facial expressions or other non-signed elements used to enhance the meaning of a sign in sign language. Each set of letters (like "ooo," "sss," "ppp," etc.) represents a different type of non-manual marker, which can convey various nuances or emotions related to the sign.

For instance:

  • "ooo" might suggest a round, open mouth to indicate lightness or gentleness.
  • "sss" could indicate a more narrowed expression, like a slight frown, to convey a slower or softer action (like light snowfall).
  • "ppp" might show an expression of puffing or breathiness, adding to the imagery of mist or fog.

These markers are an important aspect of sign language as they provide additional context and meaning beyond the hand signs alone. If you'd like, I can clarify further or modify the sample to avoid confusion!

say that. Oh and I want snow. 3 classifications of snow

Sure! Here’s the explanation along with three classifications of snow, following the format you provided:

fs- SNOW--------------------------SNOW (nmm: mmm)
fs- FLURRY------------------------SNOW (modified sign and facial expression to show light, brief snowfall, nmm: ooo)
fs- BLIZZARD---------------------SNOW (modified sign and facial expression to show heavy, persistent snowfall with strong winds, nmm: cha)
fs- SNOWPACK--------------------SNOW (modified sign and facial expression to convey accumulation and density, nmm: ppp)


In this format, "nmm" stands for "non-manual markers," which are important facial expressions or other non-sign elements that enhance the meaning of the sign. Each letter combination (like "ooo," "cha," and "ppp") represents different types of expressions that add nuance, such as indicating intensity, duration, or emotional quality related to the snowfall.