this is a reply to Ms.Sue's question yesterday.

my college and career goals are to do with Foods. cooking, culinary arts ..

but i don't think that i can chose my next year (12th grade) courses according to that, can i?
those are my plans for college
right now i'm having trouble picking classes for 12th grade: math, science, english, history

i'm not sure if i'm allowed to skip science next year, or not
or if i'm allowed to skip one of my subjects because my school program doesnt' really offer many choices , i have already taken most of the sciences: biology, chem, physics..
i haven't taken physical science, but isn't that supposed to be taken BEFORE physics.

4 answers

In addition to any required classes, such as English, government, etc., what about a nutrition class? How about art classes?
i'm taking a fine arts class this year,
and a nutrition and wellness class next year. but i'm not sure about the required classes
You have to plan on the required classes first; then you can fit in the electives.

My son-in-law graduated from The Culinary Institute of America (Greystone, NY), and in addition to the art and food interest, he is also superb in the business aspects (accounting, technology, etc.)

Plan for a wide variety of courses. All will be helpful for you in the long run.
ok, thanks