What is Shipp's first name? I've underlined my corrections.
Shipp’s proudest achievement at WMU was the co-founding of Young Broadcaster’s of Tomorrow (YBOT). YBOT is a WMU broadcasting group of students with interests in the broadcast_ arts. It is now a part of the student media group. Shipp, along with two other students, Diamond Daniels and Julienne Winborne, helped create YBOT when she was a sophomore. She started off as a secretary and is currently a producer. She is the only co-founder remaining since both Daniels and Winborne have graduated.
This is a piece of my profile story can someone proofread it for grammar and content? thanks
Shipp’s proudest achievement at WMU her co-founding of Young Broadcaster’s of Tomorrow (YBOT). YBOT is a WMU broadcasting group of students with interests in the broadcasts arts. It is now a part of the student media group.
Shipp helped create YBOT when she was a sophomore along with two other girls: Diamond Daniels and Juliene Winborne. She started off as a secretary and is currently a producer. She is the only co-founder remaining since both Daniels and Winborne have graduated.
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