This is a customer type of question..I was wondering..for a while i couldn't post questions...why?

12 answers

Occasionally we ban a poster. It could be because s/he became a nuisance by spamming the board or posting wrong or redundant or irrelevant answers. We also ban those who use obscene or insulting language. We also ban posters who appear to be a threat to our readers or are clearly advertising a service or product.
We also ban those who impersonate a tutor.
Is there a limit to the amount of questions you can ask?

However, someone who posts a bunch of homework questions in a row without any attempt to show their work is not likely to receive any answers. We are teachers and may ban someone who is obviously trying to cheat.
Oh, that makes sense. Thank you.
and another quick question. above it says my name is lost when i typed in wondering.Do you know why?
You're welcome.
I have no idea why the name was changed. Usually that happens when a person is using two or more names on this forum -- and forgets which name goes with which post.
Oh, how about if you used it a while back? Will it still happen because I used Lost a while back.
I don't know. Just make sure you use the same name when you post -- and double check to make sure that name appears in the "First Name" box before you post.
All right. Thank you!!!!
You're welcome.