This is a conversation me had with friends.explain each person's comments and what their character seems like based on there comments...

Me name is Lilya. Me just wanted to share this to you, exclusively because me want others to know this. Also be cause people say we "have freedom of speech" so taking advantage of that me thought me could share this.... Even if people did not say that I still would share this...
Me thinks Santa Claus should be explained.

Giner, a very good man, said Santa Claus 🎅 is good. Also, a very bad boy said he was bad!

Forget this, Tener. Santa Claus is not real, and the little boy is quite right in saying Santa is bad! As for the good man, he was just joking. Me was there and heard him meself. He knows Santa Claus is bad and not even real. He was joking. If you cannot tell the difference between a joke, then please ask someone! Also, me would tell you what is bad about him, but it would take me sometme. So, me suggest you ask Blowball. He showed Giner and Limer that Santa Claus was not even real, and even though he does not exist, very bad!

Very good, Vencer. Me hope Tener understands that no one is picking on him but rather just trying to help him understand! Oh, and Blowball, do you think you could share with all of us what is bad about Santa Claus?

But me need to grab mes information. Fan helped me with the suggestions me had to look up first.

Do you know how to Google it?

Me did tell all of you, for a matter of fact, that Santa Claus is not even real. It's something that someone made up to destroy the true meaning of Christmas with materialism. They try to make people forget that our Lord Christ was born on Christmas. Me said this before me even helped Blowball with suggestions.

Yes, Fan was right before he even knew anything about Santa Claus. He had only heard of him, knew nothing about him, not even what people say he does. Think about it, Santa Claus, Satan Claus. He is nothing but a pagan made-up thing.

Oh, wow. Me never thought about that. Me only had heard about him and wanted to know more. Sorry, me did not listen to you, Giner, when you told me that he was bad.

It's okay, Tener. Me should have explained why. Have a great rest of your day. God bless! Oh, and happy birthday, Lilya."

Thank you everyone for helping me explain to my dear cousin Tener and Tener if you give me permission me will make this public for others to read and understand. Thank you for the birthday wish but I think our next conversation will be on celebrating brithdays.

Your mean.. But it you wish to do that next time do so.

Of course you should share this so others like me and or worse then me will understand. Happy birthday!

Me have been reading your every comment, but left no comment me only comment is Happy birthday Lilya. And me hope this will also help others.

Good bye!

Bye, bye!

Me am just joking Giner. Thank you all again. We just might do it next time though..

The conversation has been needed by the host of the conversation Lilya.

11 answers

Lilya: Lilya is the host of the conversation and is eager to share her thoughts on Santa Claus. She emphasizes the importance of exercising freedom of speech and believes in sharing her opinions regardless of others' views.

Tener: Tener is initially undecided about Santa Claus, mentioning that both positive and negative opinions about him have been expressed. Tener also questions the reality of Santa Claus.

Vencer: Vencer strongly asserts that Santa Claus is not real and agrees with the little boy who claimed Santa is bad. Vencer dismisses the good man's opinion as a joke and suggests consulting Blowball for a detailed explanation of Santa's negative aspects.

London: London supports Vencer's stance and hopes that Tener will understand their perspective. London also requests Blowball to provide further information on what makes Santa Claus bad.

Blowball: Blowball agrees to share information about the negative aspects of Santa Claus but needs time to gather it. They suggest using Google to find more information.

Fan: Fan asserts that Santa Claus is not real and was created to shift the focus of Christmas from its true meaning to materialism. They claim to have previously mentioned this and assisted Blowball with suggestions.

Giner: Giner apologizes for not explaining why Santa Claus is bad to Tener initially and wishes everyone a good day. They also wish Lilya a happy birthday.

Lilya: Lilya thanks everyone for their contributions and requests permission from Tener to make the conversation public. She also mentions that celebrating birthdays may be discussed in the next conversation.

Limer: Limer acknowledges reading the conversation but does not provide any comments except to wish Lilya a happy birthday. They hope the conversation helps others as well.

The overall character of the conversation participants seems to be concerned with clarifying misconceptions about Santa Claus and ensuring that the true meaning of Christmas is not overshadowed by materialism. They also display a helpful and understanding attitude towards Tener, who initially had an uninformed opinion.
Me name is Lilya, I thank all my friends for there help.
Lilya: Lilya expresses gratitude toward all her friends for their assistance and support.
Me name is Limer, me sorry me put nothing in there. Though I do believe Santa Claus has and not real. Me did not find word to comment. I think that our next conversation should be with the chat but also over a zoom.
Limer: Limer apologizes for not contributing much to the conversation but expresses their belief that Santa Claus is not real. They suggest that the next conversation should involve both chat and a Zoom call.
Me name is Giner, me agree let us do so but what will the scheduled date 📅 be me brother has got work. So he might not be able to attended it it is not on his work bases. Oh, and me friend Jerome would like to also attended. He has been reading our conversations that me always showing him when we are done.
Giner: Giner agrees with Limer's suggestion and asks about the scheduled date for the chat and Zoom call. They mention that their brother might not be able to attend if it clashes with his work schedule. Giner also mentions their friend Jerome, who has been reading their conversations and would like to join the next discussion.
Tener: Jerome is 17 is he not? Go Me thinks told me so. Just asking. Me wish to do zoom next time too! Me cousin says that will be fine and says the scheduled date will be a Sunday that way no one will have work. She says it will the 11th of February.
Tener: Tener comments on Jerome's age, suggesting that he is 17 based on the information shared previously. They express their desire to participate in the Zoom call as well. Tener's cousin confirms that a Sunday would be suitable for everyone to attend, and they propose the 11th of February as the scheduled date for the chat and Zoom call.
Blowball: me have been very ill, and ended up in the hospital last night. The doctors can not tell exactly what is wrong they are doing some test. Pray for me God bless!
Blowball: Blowball shares unfortunate news that they have been very ill and were hospitalized recently. They mention that the doctors are still unsure of the exact diagnosis and are conducting tests. Blowball requests prayers and expresses gratitude for the support. They end their comment by saying "God bless."