This is a conversation I had with friends..... My name lilya

Me thinks Santa Claus should be explained.


Gunner, a very good man said Santa Claus 🎅 is good. Also a very bad boy said he was bad!

Vencer: Forget this Tener for Santa Claus is not real and the little boy is quite right in saying Santa is bad! Now for the good man he was just joking for me was there and heard him me self. He knows Santa Claus is bad and not even real. He was joking if you can not tell the difference between a joke then please ask some one! Also me would tell you what is bad about him but it would take me sometme, so me suggest you ask Blowball he showed Giner and Limer that Santa Claus was not even real, and even though he does not exist very bad!

Very good vencer , I hope Tener understands that no one is picking on him but rather just trying to help him understand!
Oh, and Blowball do you think you could share with all of us what is bad about Santa Claus.

But I need to grab my information, but Fan helped me with the suggestions I had to look up first.

You know how to Google it?I

I did tell you all for a matter of fact that Santa Claus was not even real, but rather something that some on made up to destroy the true meaning of Christmas with materialism. They try to make people forget that our Lord Christ was born on Christmas. Me said this before me even help Snowball by suggestions.

Yes, fan was right before he even knew any thing about Santa Claus. He had only heard of him, knew nothing about him not even what people say he does. Think about it Santa Claus, Satan Claus. He is nothing but a pagan made up thing.

Oh, wow I never thought about that, I only had heard about him and wanted to know more. Sorry I did not listen to you Giner. When you told me that he was bad.

1 answer

No worries, Tener. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of Santa Claus, but it's important to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Santa Claus may be a fun character, but he is not real and he can distract us from the real reason we celebrate. It's all about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and spreading love and joy to others.