This is a 71-year-old female admitted with a complaint of right-sided weakness. She denies any fever, shortness of breath, cough, headaches, or chest pain. Patient has NIDDM, controlled by diet. Patient currently smokes. Mild right-sided paralysis was found on physical examination. Patient is right-handed Gadolinium-enhanced brain MRI demonstrated subacute middle cerebral artery infarct in the left basal ganglia. Discharge diagnosis was CVA--subacute infarct. Physcial Therapy and speech therapy for her hemiparalysis and dysphasia started and will continue at the rehabilitation facility where she was transferred.
Which of the following answers would be correct?
ICD-9-CM Code(s):
A. 434.91, 438.21, 438.12, 250.00 305.1, 88.91, 93.39, 93.72
B. 434.91, 342.91, 784.59, 250.00, 305.1, 88.91, 93.39, 93.74
C. 436, 250.00, 305.1, 88.91, 93.39, 93.74
D. 434.91, 342.91, 784.59, 250.00, 305.1, 88.91, 93.39, 93.72
ICD-10-CM Code(s):___________________
ICD-10-PCS Code(s):___________________
3 answers
B. 434.91, 342.91, 784.59, 250.00, 305.1, 88.91, 93.39, 93.74
A. 434.91, 438.21, 438.12, 250.00 305.1, 88.91, 93.39, 93.72
I63.9, G81.91, R47.02, E11.9, F17.210