This is a 35-year-old HIV-positive male with progressive lymphadenopathy and unexplained fevers, night sweats, and chills. CT scan of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and neck showed extensive lymphadenopathy involving mediastinum and left hilum, paratracheal nodal chains, retroperitoneum, right iliac nodal chains, and right inguinal nodes. There were several areas of atelectasis evident in the right lung. Lymph node biopsy suspicious for tuberculosis and in fact was AFB0positive. The patient was placed on respiratory isolation and serial sputums were obtained. The patient's sputum contained positive AFB on concentrated specimen. Also during the course of hospitilization, the patient complained of swelling in the bilateral lower extremities. Dopplers were negative for DVT. The patient will be referred to the clinic for management of his HIV disease and associated tuberculosis. What codes are assigned?
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