This food has become one of the most popular types of food in Peruvian cuisine.(1 point) Responses Indian Food-guano Indian Food-guano Andean caviar Andean caviar Chinese Food- Chifa Chinese Food- Chifa Horned pig

31 answers

Andean caviar
This sport is gaining popularity in the Spanish-speaking world in addition to soccer.(1 point) Responses Jai alai Jai alai Cross Country skiing Cross Country skiing Running marathons Running marathons Playing Cricket Playing Cricket
Jai alai
This is a typical practice of a World Cup soccer player:(1 point) Responses They typically skip breakfast. They typically skip breakfast. They drink a couple of bottles of water a day. They drink a couple of bottles of water a day. They bring food from their home countries to eat. They bring food from their home countries to eat. They use herbal remedies.
They bring food from their home countries to eat.
This is a popular mode of transportation in Spanish-speaking countries and is a different practice than in the United States.(1 point) Responses Riding a horse Riding a horse Playing soccer Playing soccer Walking Walking Taking a train
Riding a horse
In this country, mountain climbing has become increasingly popular due to the nearby mountain range and the large amount of volcanoes.(1 point) Responses España España Argentina Argentina Costa Rica Costa Rica Chile
In which of the following do you NOT use the verb SER? (1 point) Responses To tell an occupation To tell an occupation To tell your nationality To tell your nationality To tell the time and date To tell the time and date To tell where something is located
To tell the time and date
Find the best answer to the following question: ¿De dónde eres?(1 point) Responses Estan en Lexington. Estan en Lexington. Soy de Carolina del Sur. Soy de Carolina del Sur. Es de Carolina del Sur. Es de Carolina del Sur. Estoy de Lexington.
Soy de Carolina del Sur.
Fill in the blank with the correct form of ser. _____ las ocho y media de la mañana. (1 point) Responses Son Son Soy Soy Está Está Es
Fill in the blank with the correct form of ser. Hoy ______ viernes, el quince de mayo. (1 point) Responses Somos Somos Ser Ser Son Son Es
Fill in the blank with the correct form of ser. Mis estudiantes ______ trabajadores. (1 point) Responses Es Es Son Son Ser Ser Somos
In thinking about adjective agreement and making nouns plural, how would you make the following plural: La comida popular.(1 point) Responses Las comidas populares Las comidas populares Las comida populars Las comida populars La comidas populares La comidas populares La comida populars
Las comidas populares
In thinking about adjective agreement and making nouns plural, how would you make the following plural: El helado sabroso(1 point) Responses Las helado sabroses Las helado sabroses El helados sabrosos El helados sabrosos El helados sabroses El helados sabroses Los helados sabrosos Los helados sabrosos
Los helados sabrosos
Es bueno tomar bebidas con mucho azúcar. (1 point) Responses True True False
Comer una variedad de frutas es bueno para la salud. (1 point) Responses True True Fals
Pescados y nueces son buenas proteínas saludables. (1 point) Responses True True False
Es bueno para la salud comer mucho arroz blanco y pan blanco. (1 point) Responses True True False