This article discusses the numerous causes of urban expansion and distinguishes between urban growth and urbanization. Natural population growth, migration, industrialization, commercialization, advancement in transportation and communication, availability of educational and recreational facilities, urban planning policies, topographical factors, unbalanced spatial development, transformation and modernization in the way of life, mining and investments, and the presence of functional administrative and social support offices are all discussed in depth. All of these factors contribute to the growth of urban areas and draw more people to cities and towns.
The article also discusses the differences between urban growth and urbanization, emphasizing three main aspects: population, land area, and infrastructural versus economic/commercial change. Urban growth is characterized by population increase, while urbanization refers to the increasing proportion of a country's population living in an urban area. Urban growth involves immigration, while urbanization involves rural-urban migration. Urbanization is linked to economic development, while urban growth can take place without it.
The article also outlines the negative effects of urban growth, including increased air and water pollution, high water consumption, health degradation, loss of open space and wildlife habitats, increased traffic congestion, and increased risk and damage from floods. The primary cause of these negative effects is sprawling urban development, which increases car use and destroys natural habitats and ecosystems.
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