[This activity is from Daphne Du Maurier's short story, The Birds]

Du Maurier tells us that the birds are trying to destroy human life, but we never know what is making them do it. Suppose you are a historian at some future time studying this famous bird attack. Write a feature article summing up the events of the historical disaster and offering some possible reasons for the birds' sudden frenzy. Be sure to tell why the murderous birds didn't succeed in wiping out the world. This should be atleast one paragraph long.

I'm not sure how to start on this; I don't know how I want to write it or what I should include. Are there any links that can help?


7 answers

^Sorry wrong name

Feature articles usually start with a sentence or paragraph to grab the readers' attention. In this case, a dramatic account (in one or two sentences) about the attack would probably be effective.
So, what if I start with: "On December the third, the mild autumn breeze changed into a feirce storm and Nat Hocken knew something was wrong."


Starting with the date doesn't grab my attention.

Also -- remember you are a historian in the future. You wouldn't use the character's name.

Cut to the chase and describe the attack of the birds.
"The mild autumn breeze turned into a fierce storm, and the birds struck. There were all kinds of them: sparrows, gulls, blue jays, crows, and every other bird found in the country. It was obvious they wanted food and the humans would provide them with it."

I'm stuck and this is all I can get.

That's a good start -- but I'd leave out the second sentence at this point. You can include that later.
Alright, thanks