Think of something that happened recently that you can share with others. Look back on the event and consider how the stages of perception apply to your interpretation of the meaning or importance of that event. In the space provided, explain how the event "stood out" (Selection), how you made sense of it (Organization), and the opinion or conclusion you reached because of it (Interpretation-Evaluation). Your explanation should be a paragraph of at least 125 words.
1 answer
Recently, I had a conversation with a close friend, Kate, who shared her struggle with anxiety and depression. This event stood out to me because Kate has always been perceived as a strong and confident individual. In terms of selection, the sheer vulnerability and openness displayed by Kate during our conversation caught my attention. Furthermore, as I organized the information, I recalled instances where Kate had shown signs of anxiety but had brushed them off as temporary stress. This realization allowed me to make sense of her struggle and connect the dots between her behavior and her mental health. Finally, my interpretation and evaluation led me to conclude that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of how they appear externally. This event emphasized the importance of checking in on loved ones and being aware of the signs that may indicate hidden struggles. It also highlighted the significance of providing support and reassurance to those battling mental health problems. Overall, this conversation helped me better understand the complexity of mental health and reinforced the necessity of compassion and empathy towards others.