Think of a situation in which it would be useful to have a computerized graphic. Briefly describe the graphic. What would it be used for? How would the graphic make use of color selection, tone, or hue and contrast?

1 answer

One situation in which a computerized graphic would be useful is in the field of weather forecasting. The graphic could be a map displaying current weather conditions across a particular region. It would be used by meteorologists and weather presenters to visually communicate weather patterns to the general public.

Color selection, tone, and hue would play a crucial role in this graphic. Different colors could be used to represent various weather conditions, such as blue for rain, green for thunderstorms, yellow for sunshine, and gray for clouds. The intensity of the color or tone could indicate the severity of the weather, for example, a darker shade of blue could indicate heavy rainfall, while a lighter shade could represent light showers.

Contrast would be important to distinguish between areas of different weather conditions or intensities. For instance, a sharp contrast between blue and yellow could highlight the difference between regions with heavy rain and areas with sunny weather. Additionally, the use of different tones or saturations within the same color could differentiate between moderate and extreme weather conditions.

By utilizing colors, tones, and contrasts effectively, the graphic could provide a clear visual representation of the current weather conditions, allowing the audience to quickly and easily understand the forecasted weather patterns in their area.