Think about the work you completed in your reading role. Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about THE CAY . Provide an explanation for your choices. How did the role you selected and the work you completed help you understand more about the text? Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.

5 answers

What was your "reading role"?

What important ideas do you want to share with others in a literary discussion of this work?

Explain each of your choices.

The rest of your instructions should make it clear that only you can do this!
I don't understand
I don't understand why you don't understand.

Have YOU read this work?
Have YOU understood this work?

If the answer to either of those questions is no, then you need to go back and read and re-read it.

No one here has read this work, and besides, the assignment is based on what YOU did as you read and what YOU THINK.
sez- ok
both yes

im just confuzed