Think about the seven functions of marketing. Take each of the functions and describe how you think the Internet has changed the way they are incorporated in today's marketplace. You may use Word, Power point, or any other software program to present your thoughts. Please use correct grammar and spelling and provide well-developed answers. Submit your work to the dropbox titled Marketing and the Marketing Concept.

1 answer

Certainly! Below is a detailed overview of how the Internet has transformed the seven functions of marketing in today’s marketplace.

Title: The Impact of the Internet on the Seven Functions of Marketing

1. Market Research

The Internet has revolutionized market research by providing businesses with immediate access to vast amounts of data. Online surveys, social media listening tools, and analytics enable marketers to gather consumer insights efficiently. Search engines and social media platforms allow for real-time feedback and trends tracking, allowing companies to adapt quickly to changing consumer preferences.

2. Product Development

With the feedback loop accelerated by the Internet, product development has become more iterative and consumer-centered. Crowdsourcing ideas through social media or product testing via online platforms allows companies to refine their offerings before launch. Online forums and reviews provide insights into consumer desires, enabling businesses to tailor products to specific needs.

3. Pricing

The Internet has increased price transparency, making it easier for consumers to compare prices across different platforms. Dynamic pricing strategies have emerged, allowing businesses to adjust prices in real-time based on demand, competition, or consumer behavior. Moreover, online auctions and promotional platforms enable innovative pricing strategies, such as flash sales or limited-time offers.

4. Promotion

Digital marketing strategies like email campaigns, social media advertising, and influencer partnerships have transformed promotion. The use of targeted advertising allows businesses to reach specific demographics based on online behavior and preferences. Content marketing, including blogs, videos, and podcasts, allows brands to engage customers meaningfully and build relationships over time.

5. Distribution

The Internet has altered distribution channels, with e-commerce becoming a dominant force in retail. Online marketplaces provide businesses with new opportunities for sales, extending their reach beyond geographical boundaries. Additionally, digital logistics and supply chain management tools help optimize inventory and shipping processes, improving delivery speed and efficiency.

6. Selling

The Internet has changed the sales process by enabling online selling through e-commerce platforms. Consumers now expect an omnichannel experience, allowing them to interact with brands via websites, social media, or mobile apps. Live chat and chatbots provide instant assistance, enhancing customer service and streamlining the sales process.

7. Customer Service

Online platforms have transformed customer service, making it more accessible and responsive. Businesses can offer support through social media, email, and live chat, facilitating quick resolutions to customer inquiries. Additionally, self-service options such as FAQs and knowledge bases are readily available, allowing customers to troubleshoot issues on their own.


The Internet has fundamentally reshaped marketing functions, making them more efficient and customer-focused. By leveraging digital tools and platforms, businesses can connect with consumers in ways that were not possible before, resulting in enhanced customer experiences and improved business outcomes.

This overview can be expanded into a PowerPoint or Word presentation depending on your preferences, including visuals and examples of companies excelling in each function. You can also include statistics on the impact of online marketing to further substantiate your points.