Think about the older people in your life—parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, coaches, and others. Imagine the changes in technology they have seen. For example, someone who is two generations older than you did not grow up with access to GPS navigation, vast social networks, or mobile access to movie tickets. Now, these things are readily available through free apps on smartphones.

In this assignment, students will have the opportunity to interview someone to learn about how a specific technology has evolved over the past 100 years. By conducting this interview, students will gain insights into the technological advancements and changes that have occurred over a century.

You will then paraphrase, summarize, and quote from these sources to create a “mini book”, citing the sources in your book that describes how an aspect of technology has changed. Your final product should be a blending of your interviewees’ experiences and your personal research.

1 answer


Technology has progressed rapidly over the past century, with advancements in various fields changing the way we live our lives. In this mini book, we will explore how a specific technology has evolved over the past 100 years through the perspectives of older individuals who have witnessed these changes firsthand.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Technology

In the early 20th century, technology was much simpler compared to what we have today. Phones were rotary dial, televisions were black and white, and computers were bulky machines that took up entire rooms. As technology advanced, these devices became more compact, user-friendly, and accessible to the general population.

Chapter 2: Evolution of Communication

One of the most significant advancements in technology has been in the field of communication. Older individuals may recall using landline telephones to make calls, sending letters through the mail, or using telegraphs to send messages over long distances. With the advent of smartphones, email, and social media, communication has become instantaneous and seamless.

Chapter 3: Transformation of Transportation

Transportation has also seen major advancements over the past century. Older individuals may remember traveling by horse and buggy, using steam trains for long-distance journeys, or flying on propeller planes. Today, we have access to cars with GPS navigation, high-speed trains, and commercial airplanes that can take us around the world in a matter of hours.


The evolution of technology over the past 100 years has been nothing short of remarkable. Older individuals have witnessed firsthand the transformation of various technologies, from communication to transportation. By interviewing these individuals, we can gain valuable insights into how these advancements have shaped our world today.