Think about the nontraditional sports in the article. Choose two of them. Explain how they are alike and different.

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1 answer

Two nontraditional sports mentioned in the article are bossaball and quidditch.

Bossaball is a unique sport that combines elements of volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics, all played on an inflatable court with trampolines. Quidditch, on the other hand, is a sport inspired by the Harry Potter book series, where players ride broomsticks and try to score points by throwing a ball through hoops.

One similarity between bossaball and quidditch is that they both involve a combination of different sports elements. Bossaball incorporates the skills of volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics, while quidditch includes aspects of rugby, basketball, and dodgeball. This combination of different sports makes both bossaball and quidditch unique and exciting to watch and play.

However, a major difference between bossaball and quidditch is the equipment used in each sport. Bossaball requires an inflatable court with trampolines, while quidditch requires broomsticks and hoops. The use of different equipment contributes to the overall experience and gameplay of each sport.

In conclusion, bossaball and quidditch are both nontraditional sports that combine different elements and provide a unique and exciting experience for players and spectators. Despite their differences in equipment and gameplay, both sports offer a fun and engaging way to stay active and connect with others.