Think about the issue you selected for your proposal. Using the information from this

lesson, answer the following questions about your topic:
1. Which institution of government has the greatest ability to impact the issue
that is important to you? Use online resources to identify a person who serves
in that institution at the local, state, or national level.
2. Other than your own elected representatives, who might you contact? Think
about who chairs the congressional committee that might have jurisdiction
over your issue or who heads the government agency responsible for
implementing your solution.
3. What special interest groups are concerned with your issue? Who would be the
best people to contact from those groups?
4. Does your proposal align with the platform of any political party? You may wish
to focus on an official from that party who would be most sympathetic to your

My issues is about affordable healthcare

1 answer

1. The institution of government that has the greatest ability to impact the issue of affordable healthcare is the federal government. The person who serves in that institution at the national level is the President of the United States. As of October 2021, Joe Biden is the President of the United States and has shown a commitment to addressing the issue of affordable healthcare.

2. Other than my own elected representatives, I might contact the chairperson of the congressional committee that has jurisdiction over healthcare issues, which is the Committee on Energy and Commerce in the House of Representatives. As of October 2021, Frank Pallone Jr. serves as the chairperson of this committee. Additionally, I might contact the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, who is responsible for implementing healthcare policies. As of October 2021, Xavier Becerra serves as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

3. There are several special interest groups concerned with the issue of affordable healthcare, such as the American Medical Association (AMA), American Hospital Association (AHA), Families USA, National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), and Doctors for America. The best people to contact from these groups might be their representatives or leaders, such as Dr. James Madara, the CEO of the AMA, or Rick Pollack, the President and CEO of the AHA.

4. The proposal for affordable healthcare may align with the platform of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has historically advocated for increasing access to affordable healthcare and expanding government programs such as Medicaid. Members of the Democratic Party who may be sympathetic to this proposal could include prominent figures like Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, or Bernie Sanders, the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, who has been a vocal advocate for universal healthcare.