A Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students - Matched with women's rights.
An executive order creates the ADA - Matched with the rights of individuals with disabilities.
A Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges - Matched with LGBTQ+ rights.
The Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights - Incorrectly matched. The Twenty-sixth Amendment actually lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, ensuring that the rights of young adults are protected.
Think about the examples of how the federal government took actions to extend or protect the civil rights of marginalized groups. Identify the action that is matched with the correct marginalized group.
A Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students.
An executive order creates the ADA.
A Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges.
The Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights.
1 answer