Some of the tombs contained valuable artifacts and treasures, giving insight into the wealth and power of the pharaohs.
The walls of the tombs were adorned with intricate paintings and carvings depicting scenes from the pharaoh's life and journey through the afterlife.
The tombs were carefully constructed and hidden, with elaborate systems of traps and false entrances to deter thieves.
Archaeologists and historians continue to study the tombs and their contents, uncovering new information about ancient Egyptian society and beliefs.
The Valley of the Kings remains an important archaeological site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, attracting visitors from around the world.
They included a detailed map of all other tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
The hieroglyphics on the walls provided a key that allowed scholars to decode other ancient Egyptian texts.
They were discovered intact, undisturbed by grave robbers, in the 20th century.
The king’s corpse was missing, leading some to speculate that he is a god.
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