these six assessment questions cover content you have learned this year in science you are encouraged to use your old note to resources to help you answer these questions you will have this type of assessment for each unit of study average these discussion assessment count is 10% your total grade if you were unhappy with your grade retake is available these retakes have been created to include additional teaching to help you answer new questions on the same content question one the transference the movement of digital data is considered to be much better than analog signals chooses statement below that supports this

1 answer

The following statement below supports the claim that the transference of digital data is considered to be much better than analog signals:

- "Digital signals are less prone to noise interference during transmission compared to analog signals."
- "Digital data can be easily and accurately reproduced without any loss of quality."
- "Digital signals have higher capacity for carrying information compared to analog signals."
- "Digital data can be compressed and transmitted more efficiently than analog signals."