These ?'s are true/false and the ones that are false I have to fill in the correct word. Can you check my answers?
1) The powerful but unofficial post of the "president of the Senate" involves steering floor action to a party's benefit. -- I say this is false & the correct answer is Speaker of the House.
2) In a "dictatorship", supreme authority rests solely with the people. -- I said false & the correct answer is democracy
3) Every state is "oligarchy" because it has absolute power within its territory and can determine its own foreign and domestic policies. -- I said false but I don't know the correct answer.
4)The senate is known as a(m) "oversight function", because only a third of its seats are up for election at the same time. -- I said false but I don't know the correct answer.
You're right about the first two answers, but your teacher may expect you to say that in a dictatorship, supreme authority rests solely with the dictator.
Here's the definition of oligarchy from
"ol¡¤i¡¤gar¡¤chy /ˈɒlɪˌg¨»rki/ ¨Cnoun, plural -chies. 1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few."
This site explains the Senate's oversight function.
1) is false. You correction is not correct because the President of the Senate is an official post held by the Vice President of the US. It is mainly ceremonial in nature. His/her duties are mainly ceremonial in nature except when there is a tie vote and then he/she may then vote. This has occurred a little over 250 times. When the President of the Senate is there he presides over the Senate, but frequently he is not print. When he is not present the President Pro Tempore or his/her designee presides over the Senate.
The best answer is the majority leader of the Senate. See
Assistant party leaders of the United States Senate -
2) You have the correct answer and correct substitute word.
3) The best answer is sovereign In this question state does not refer to a state like NY or California but to a nation or country. The definition of sovereign from Merriam Webster Dictionary is in part" 1sov·er·eign
1 a : one possessing or held to possess sovereignty b : one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere" and "2 a : possessed of supreme power <sovereign ruler> b : unlimited in extent : ABSOLUTE c : enjoying autonomy "
4. The oversight function has little or nothing to do with the Senate having one-third of each members elected or reelected every two years. The best answer is a continuous body or some synonym since it does not dissolve in the way that the House of Representatives dissolves where a completely new House is elected every two years.