These are the very last questions of the day. Thank you all in advance

1) How did the Elizabethans conceive the universe and by whom did they belive it was ruled?
2) Outline the characters of Brutus and Antony and refer to their attitude towards the crowd.
3) Why does Hamlet describe Claudius as a Vice of Kings? Who was the Vice in morality plays?
4) How does Hamlet refer to himself in his famous soliloquy of Act II Scen II (or in the sololoquy he delivers after the mani actor's performance?)
5) How does Hamlet describne his uncle in comparison with his father?

Thank you

1 answer

1 - "think of" instead of "conceive" and put a comma after "universe"

2 - comma after "Antony"

3 - fine

4 - delete words in parentheses; watch the spelling of "scene"

5 - fine; watch the spelling of "describe"