These are the articles you MUST use for your Writing an Argument Portfolio. Read the articles before you start writing your portfolio, and make sure you include information from these articles in your portfolio.

Option 1 Articles: Should all schools provide education in the arts, including music, art, and drama?
Option 2 Articles: Do schools place too much importance on standardized tests?
Option 3 Articles: Does requiring school uniforms unfairly restrict students’ self-expression?
Option 4 Articles: Should governments help eliminate single-use plastics, such as disposable tableware, take-out containers, and packaging?
Option 5 Articles: Is it ethical for billionaires to amass so much wealth when so many citizens are living in poverty?

choose than make a arugement protofoilo for 8th grade

1 answer

Option 3: Does requiring school uniforms unfairly restrict students' self-expression?

I. Introduction
A. Briefly introduce the topic of school uniforms and their impact on self-expression
B. State the thesis: Requiring school uniforms unfairly restricts students' self-expression.

II. Body

Paragraph 1: Uniforms discourage individuality
A. Discuss how uniforms limit students' ability to express their personal style
B. Provide examples of self-expression through clothing choices

Paragraph 2: Uniforms hinder creativity and limit self-discovery
A. Explain how uniforms suppress creativity by eliminating opportunities to experiment with personal style
B. Discuss how self-expression through clothing plays a crucial role in self-discovery during adolescence

Paragraph 3: Uniforms reinforce conformity and discourage authenticity
A. Argue that uniforms create a homogeneous environment where students cannot stand out for their unique qualities
B. Discuss the importance of embracing authenticity and individuality in today's diverse world

Paragraph 4: Uniforms may contribute to negative body image and self-esteem issues
A. Explain how uniforms can highlight body differences and cause self-consciousness
B. Discuss studies or anecdotes that demonstrate the negative impact of uniforms on body image

III. Counterargument and Refutation
A. Address the opposing view that uniforms promote equality and focus on academics
B. Refute this argument by emphasizing the importance of valuing students' overall well-being and self-expression

IV. Conclusion
A. Recap the main points made in the body paragraphs
B. Restate the thesis: Requiring school uniforms unfairly restricts students' self-expression
C. Call to action: Encourage schools to reconsider uniform policies and prioritize students' autonomy and self-expression.