These are the answers to 7th grade unit test Reading informational unit test. All but the essay questions if I gave you those you would be flagged. Hope this helps I will be giving out more answer keys.
Use the excerpt to answer the question.
1. Foley artists use props to create sound effects for movies. Their principal job is to immerse viewers in what they see by including the dimension of sound to add to the experience. Foley artists rarely capture sounds during live taping that are included in the edited version you view. But, just how is this accomplished? How can the tiptoes of a child or the boom of thunder be recreated? A Foley artist sees the opportunity to use an everyday object to capture the sound: swishing a feather duster across a sheet of paper brings thoughts of a ballerina dancing across center stage, and waving a large piece of heavy aluminum evokes thoughts of a thunderstorm!
Which of the following is a central idea of this paragraph?
Foley artists create sound effects for movies.
2.Use this excerpt to answer the question.
Hollywood movies originated without sound, and silent movies told stories using visuals only. Eventually, background music was added to create feelings of suspense, melancholy, or romance, but there were no lines of dialogue spoken aloud by actors. As microphone technology improved, the stage was set to add dialogue, and this is when the role of the Foley artist became so important.
The movie industry is now known for creating more than silent movies, and Foley artists are part of that industry's work in elevating the viewers' senses. The term Foley artist is named after Jack Foley, an innovator in the realm of sound effects. His vision paved the way for sound to be included in the world of movies and added the dimension that what our eyes miss, our ears will pick up.
What is the central idea of the excerpt?
answer, Advancements in technology made it possible for movies to have sounds.
3.Which detail best supports the idea that Foley artists have enhanced the experience of watching movies?
answer, Foley artists create sounds that are added to the images in movies.
4.Use the paragraph to answer the question.
The hills and canyons of California provide all three of a wildfire’s needs in abundance. Dry brush and small shrubs and trees encircle the towns. Santa Ana winds blow steadily. The winds pick up twigs or small embers and carry them miles away. Dry lightning is a common occurrence, too, and tourists’ campfires, broken electric lines, or even dropped cigarettes can spark a fire.
Which is the best summary of the information in this paragraph?
answer, California is vulnerable to wildfires due to its dry climate lightning, and tourist activiets.
5.Which statement about an objective summary is true?
answer, it conveys the central idea of the text.
6.Use the sentences to answer the question.
The official population of some states increased, while the populations of others decreased. As a result, the number of U.S. representatives allocated to these states changed.
What type of interaction does the underlined phrase show?
answer, cause and effect
7.Use the sentences to answer the question.
No matter what he tried, Tom could not get his car to start. He had to figure out another way to get to work. He quickly decided to take the bus, figuring that if he caught the next one, he should get there just in time.
What is the primary text structure used in these sentences?
answer, problem and solution.
8.Use the paragraph to answer the question.
It was too cold to play outside in the treehouse, so the boys decided to play in the living room instead with a makeshift fort they built out of old cardboard boxes. It wasn't very sturdy and collapsed at the end of the day, but they had a great time playing in it all afternoon.
What does the word makeshift mean in this context?
answer, temporary.
9.Use the sentence to answer the question.
In order to help her clients make the best decision, Lea spent hours searching through data for the most important information to their situation.
Which word from the sentence provides the best context clue to define the term data?
10. Use the paragraph to answer the question.
Iodine is an important micronutrient, a vitamin or mineral that is necessary for good health. It helps the body to produce hormones, helps babies develop in the womb, and is important to many other body processes. In 1924, iodine was added to salt to make up for a lack of public access to dairy foods and ocean fish, which are natural sources of iodine. The modern American diet, however, includes many processed foods that contain iodine. As a result, many salt manufacturers have stopped adding iodine to their product, a change that did not get much attention in the media. Some nutrition experts are concerned that people who still rely on table salt as a source of iodine will have an increase in disease caused by a diet lacking in this micronutrient. Only time will tell, as America moves into a new era where table salt is no longer a guaranteed source of iodine.
Why does iodine matter to nutrition experts?
answer, It is necessary for good health.
11.Use the paragraph to answer the question.
People fear wolves. While some of their fear is sensible, wolves actually have more to fear from people than people do from wolves. Although wolves are strong and fierce, wolf attacks on humans are very rare. In nearly all cases, they occur only when people provoke or corner wolves. People, on the other hand, have regularly baited and trapped wolves from the earliest of times. For various reasons, farmers, ranchers, and trappers in North America have all sought to reduce the wolf population. By 1950, there were almost no wolves left in the United States. Finally, in 1974, Congress granted gray wolves a protected status.
What saved the gray wolf population of North America?
answer, congress granted gray wolves protected status.
Hope that helps. Good luck with your essay questions!
1 answer