Thermodynamic Signs

Determine the signs of ∆G, ∆H, and ∆S for the following three processes (for example, -+-,++-,+-+).

Water vapor condenses on a cold mirror.

Ethanol burns in air to form carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Dry ice sublimes at room temperature.

1 answer

I'm interested in your answers/thoughts/rationale. My thoughts for this one.
Water vapor condenses on a cold mirror.
dG = dH - TdS
You know dH for H2O(l) --> H2O(g) is + because heat must be added; therefore, dH must be - for the reverse.
S for gas is greater than S for a liquid because the liquid is more ordered. So dS from gas to liquid must be -.
So for dG = dH - TdS, in which dH is + and - TdS is -T(-S) +, then dG must be - so ---