theres a question on my homework packet.

Here it is:

-The Data contains 7 elements.
-all the elements are greater than 6 but less than 24.
-the mode of the set is 18
-the range and the mean are 15
-the meadian is 16
-The set cobtains exactley 3 odd numbers
-when ordered from least to greatest, the first two elements equal the mode
-when ordered from least to greatest, the last four elements are even

what is the mystery data set?

can someone please help me?

2 answers

An EXCEL spreadsheet is very helpful for solving these type of problems.

write out spaces for 7 numbers.
1) the Median is 16, so put 16 in the 4-spot.
2) the sum of the first two spots (two lowest) is 18 -- the mode. Since you need 3 odd numbers, try 7 and 11 in the spots 1 and 2.
3) This means spot 7 must be 22 (as the range is 15)
4) Put 18 in the 5 and 6 slots as 18 is the mode and, nicely, the top four number are even.
5) this leaves the 3 spot, in order to have an overall mean of 15, the 3-spot must be 13.
the numbers are 7,11,13,16,18,18,22
I don't get this question on my homework... In a class of 28 sixth graders, all but one of the students are 12 years old. Which two data measurements are the same for the student's ages? What are those measurements?
So can u help me understand it... because to me it seems like they repeat the question twice.