There was a young man from Saint Joe
Who excelled with his arrow and bow.
He'd take aim at the sun,
And before he was done,
The sun would lose half of its glow.
11. Which form best describes this poem?
A. Narrative
B. Concrete
C. Limerick***
D. Haiku
12. What about the poem best supports the answer to the previous question?
A. It is about nature, and it has a set syllable count.
B. It has a narrator and meaningful shape.
C. It has one stanza with a set pattern of line and syllables.***
D. It has no set pattern of rhythm or rhyme.
Bounce, Bounce,
Oh, Bouncing ball,
In the gym or in the hall,
On the rim, against the wall,
Off the head, off the foot
On the court or cut out of bounds,
Bounce, Bounce, Bounce,
Oh, bouncing ball
Bounce, Bounce
13. which form best describes this poem?
A. Narrative***
B. Concrete
C. Limerick
D. Haiku
14. What about the poem best supports the answer to the previous question?
A. It is about nature, and it has a set syllable count.***
B. It has a narrator and a meaningful shape.
C. It has one stanza with a set pattern of lines and syllables.
D. It has no set pattern of rhythm or rhyme.
Haiku from "Nine Haikus During a Drought"
In the dusty lane
A frog waits for a puddle
To fall from the sky
15. Which form best describes this poem?
A. limerick
B. Haiku***
C. Concrete
D. Narrative
16. What about the poem best supports the answer to the previous question?
A. It is about nature, and it has a set syllable count.
B.It has a narrator and a meaningful shape.
C.It has three stanzas with a set pattern of lines and syllables.
D.It has no set pattern of rhythm or rhyme.***
Haiku from "Nine Haikus During a Drought"
Who are those old men
Bent over in the sunshine?
Skeletons of corn
17. Which line or lines show the distressing tone of the poem?
A. Line 1
B. Line 2
C. Line 3 ***
D. Lines 1 and 2
There was a young man from Saint Joe
Who excelled with his arrow and bow.
He'd take aim at the sun,
And before he was done,
The sun would lose half of its glow.
18. What is the tone of the poem?
A. Serene***
B. Joyful
C. Humorous
D. Sympathetic
19. What is the best paraphrase of lines 4 and 5?
A. His arrow hit the sun quickly.
B. His aim was poor and the arrow missed the sun.***
C. The sun captured the arrow.
D. The sun set before he grew tired of shooting his bow.
Please check. Thanks
15 answers
19. D?
19 is D.