there was a computer game i used to play around 2014 - 2016. I don't know when the game came out, it's possible that the game came out some years prior to 2014. If I had to guess, it would be around 2005 - 2016. I remember it was a childrens computer game (I think you could acess it online, but it may have been a downloaded game. not sure). In the game, I believe there were multiple aspects and mini games. One of the only parts I remember is where you could push the character on the swing and it would say "yippie" over and over again in a high pitched voice. Or, at least that's what I think happened. I also believe the character you could push on the swing was yellow. Maybe the character was a backpack or a pencil. Not sure. The game was somewhat similar to Publix Preschool Pals. Can you help me find this game given the details I provided?
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