There is a small amount of water at the bottom of a sealed container of volume 5.2 liters which is otherwise full of an ideal gas. A thin tube open to the atmosphere extends down into the water. The system is initially at atmospheric pressure and temperature 113 Celsius.

If we increase the temperature of the gas until water rises in the tube to a height of 120 cm, then what is the temperature at that instant?

2 answers

If the system is initially at 1 atm, then there can be no liquid water at the bottom when the temperature is 113 C. It would all have evaporated.

Maybe they are expecting you to assume that the water has not yet heated up to the gas temperature. This would be a nonequilibrium state. You could use the water column height to get the new water pressure, and use that to compute the new temperature.

This is a poorly thought out question, in my opinion.
how would i do that using the water coumn height?