There are two independent groups of students one group took online courses the second group took conventional course face-face. Using the sample data determine if there is a significant difference between the 2 groups scores.Ho(mu1-mu2)=0 (no difference), H1(mu1-mu2)<>0 (there is a difference) a=0.05,t critical=+or-2.01,n1=10,M1=93, s1sq.=20, n2=10, M1=85, s2sq.=20

1 answer

Here are a few hints:

1. Try an independent groups t-test to calculate the t-test statistic.
2. Degrees of freedom for an independent groups t-test is this:
n1 + n2 - 2
3. Compare your test statistic to the critical values listed. If the test statistic exceeds the critical values, reject the null and conclude a difference. If the test statistic does not exceed the critical values, do not reject the null (you cannot conclude a difference in this case).

I hope this will get you started.