There are two bikes one with normal wheels and one with regular hexagon shaped wheels. Imagine you put a reflector on the front wheel of each bike. You stood on the side while the bikes are ridden past you you watch the reflector's path.

If the reflector is placed at the center of each wheel what will the reflector's path look like for each bike


If the reflector is placed st the outer edge of each front wheel(near the tire) what will the reflector's path look like???

Please help or at least tell me what this means. I asked all my friends but they don't know either

If the reflector is at the center then it should look like a line, right? The reflectors wouldn't be going around. If it's placed at the edge of each wheel, then the circular one should look like a circle, do you agree?. The reflector on the hesagon wheel should look like some kind of irregular circle. Each time it rotates over a vertex it will move up, then down. Can you draw a picture and imagine what kind of path it makes?

hmmm...I think I got the one centered on the hexagon wrong, it should look like some kind of wave. It will move up and down as the wheel rotates over the vertices, so it would not move on a line. The one in the center of the circular one should look like it's on a line though.