There are seven books. A series of eight movies based on the novels has been made by Warner Bros. They started making the movies in 2001. The first one was released on November 16th 2001. The second to the fifth were released respectively on 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2007.

(Would you check the passage? Correct errors, please.on/in 2002....?)

2 answers

Grammatically correct, but I find it too "robotic." Try adding something to the end of, "they started making the movies in 2001." Connect your sentences together and try using more precise vocabulary.

For example, "Warner Brothers produced a series of eight movies based on THESE novels."
The first one was released on November 16, 2001. The second to the fifth were released respectively in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2007.

I made two corrections above. Do you see them?