There are many women in this world that display exclusively positive traits and behaviors. Those traits can be :caring, helpful, understanding, encouraging, respectful, lovable, thoughtful, etc. My question is : What ideas about women are reinforced by these depictions?

Ideas about women that are reinforced about these depictions are definetly positive. These women would be judged as angels. They would thought to be in the form of them. I could just imagine how much good examples they would be setting out for others. It wouldn't take much time for the people following the wrong path to change direction. If I ever met a woman who displayed such good characteristics, then I would definetly think that she's here in the form of god. She would be playing a big role in the lives of others. First of all she would be a good being, then she would be a good daughter, wife, mother, etc. Her departure from this world, would let down so many people. Women like these, don't care for money, gaining love from others is enough for them. As long as they see others laughing they're fine. It wouldn't even take a minute for someone to hurt their feelings; they would definetly be hurt from the inside, but they would have the courage to hide that on the outside. By making others lives happy, their goals and wishes would be fulfilled.

This is what I think about these types of women. I would love it if you shared your opinions. What opinions do you think are reinforced about these good descriptions of women?

3 answers

This looks good.
thanks, but I'm trying to collect others opinions. May I ask for yours, that is if you don't mind.
I don't really have anything to add.

Have you considered strong women who are leaders?