- There are less than 40 members of the Landowners Association. These memebers vote on various proposals. All the members were present at a meeting and all voted on each of two proposals. On the first proposal 4 times as many memebers voted yes to those who voted no, On the second proposal 6 times as many voted yse as voted no. How many members are there?

-Four students tried to find the sum of the first 21 positive prime numbers. Bob got 709, Ned got 711, Matt got 712, and Lee got 713. Who was correct?

-The stegosaurus was 30 feet in length, weighed about 3500 pounds and had a brain that weighed only 3 ounces. An adult human male weighing 175 pounds has a brain weighing about 3 pounds. The ratio brain-weight/total-weight of a human is about _______ times greater than that of a stegosaurus.

- Joe is reading a book that needed 795 digits to number the pages. If the book started on page 1, how many pages are there in the book Joe is reading?

2 answers

The second one:

The fourth one:
2-9=8 digits
10-99=178 digits
100-200=300 digits
201-300=297 digits
301=3 digits
302=3 digits
303=3 digits
304= 3 digits
8+178+300+297+12= 795
304 pages
I am confused, why did you not count the page one? Can you explain?