There are 79 different career pathways included within the 16 nationally recognized Career Clusters

1 answer

. These career pathways span a wide range of industries and job roles, allowing individuals to find a career that aligns with their interests and skills. Some of the career pathways within each Career Cluster include:

1. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources:
- Animal Systems
- Agribusiness Systems
- Food Products and Processing Systems
- Natural Resources Systems

2. Architecture and Construction:
- Construction
- Design/Pre-Construction
- Maintenance/Operations

3. Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications:
- Audio and Video Technology and Film
- Journalism and Broadcasting
- Performing Arts

4. Business, Management, and Administration:
- Business Entrepreneurship
- Business Management
- Finance

5. Education and Training:
- Teaching and Training
- Administration and Administrative Support
- Professional Support Services

6. Finance:
- Banking Services
- Financial and Investment Planning
- Insurance Services

7. Government and Public Administration:
- Governance
- National Security
- Foreign Service

8. Health Science:
- Therapeutic Services
- Diagnostic Services
- Biotechnology Research and Development

9. Hospitality and Tourism:
- Lodging
- Recreation, Amusements, and Attractions
- Travel and Tourism

10. Human Services:
- Early Childhood Development and Services
- Counseling and Mental Health Services
- Family and Community Services

11. Information Technology:
- Network Systems
- Software Development
- Web and Digital Communications

12. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security:
- Emergency and Fire Management Services
- Law Enforcement Services
- Legal Services

13. Manufacturing:
- Manufacturing Production Process Development
- Production
- Maintenance, Installation, and Repair

14. Marketing:
- Marketing Communications
- Marketing Management
- Merchandising

15. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM):
- Engineering and Technology
- Science and Mathematics
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

16. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics:
- Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance
- Transportation Operations
- Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations

These career pathways provide individuals with a clear roadmap of educational and training opportunities to pursue in order to enter and progress within their chosen career field.