I would convert the dimensions of the room to m and calculate the volume in m^3. 46 x 0.2 m^3 = ? volume occupied by the people and that subtracted from the total volume gives you the volume of air in the room. Convert 14.7 psi to 1 atm. Convert 60.8 F to C. You know P, V of air, R and T, solve for n = mols air in the room.
Then q = mass air x specific heat air x (Tfinal-Tinitial)
You know q (150 kcal/60 min x 20 min = ?. You calculate mass air from the density at that temperature (you get that form tables) and you can look up the specific heat air. Solve for Tfinal. YOu have Tinitial (60.8 F converted to C.)
There are 46 person in a room that has diameter of 14 ft x 30 ft x 34 ft. the initial pressure and temperature are 14.7 psi and 60.8 F. Each person givs off 150 kcal/hr. assume that room is completely sealed off and 0.2 cu.meter per person is occupied. What would be the temperature in celcuis after 20 minutes?
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