Theo's mean test score will increase the most.
Theo's current mean test score is (84+88+81+85+77+76)/6 = 83.5
If Theo scored 100 on the latest math test, his new mean test score will be (84+88+81+85+77+76+100)/7 = 85.14
Therefore, Theo's mean test score will increase by the most from 83.5 to 85.14, an increase of 1.64 points.
Theo, Ara, Jose, and Dana all got 100 percent on their latest math test. Their scores on the previous six tests are listed. Whose mean test score will increase the most?
Ara: 100, 98, 99, 97, 100, 100
Jose: 91, 93, 97, 96, 96, 96
Theo: 84, 88, 81, 85, 77, 76
Dana: 68, 74, 83, 80, 81, 82
1 answer