Compute the weight difference between a hydrogen fill and a helium fill. You will need to know the volume of the derigibile and (for the number of fewer paeengers with helium), the average weight per passenger, including luggage and extra seats. According to ,
the volume was 7.06 million cubic feet
I would assume an average weight per passenger of 120 kilograms
They are only asking for an estimate, so making some reasonable assumptions is necessary and acceptable.
The zeppelin Hindenburg exploded on May 6, 1937, in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The accident was due to this type of dirigible using hydrogen (density of H2, M = 2g/mol) as a gas. It carried up to 70 passengers and crew. Estimate how many passengers and crew the Hindenburg could have carried had they used helium gas (density He, M = 4 g/mol) instead.
2 answers
wow I still don't understand how to do this problem. Are there any equations i need to use?