The Would-Be Gentleman by Olfson, Lewy MUSIC MASTER: Music and dancing are not tricks, sir. JOURDAIN (Dismissively): Well, whatever it is. Oh, I almost forgot. I want your opinions of my new suit! Isn’t it handsome? MUSIC MASTER: Oh, quite! (Aside) Quite hideous, that is! DANCING MASTER: It’s just right! (Aside) Just right for a fool! JOURDAIN: Look at these colors, how elegantly they become me. You could search throughout Paris, and not another gentleman would you find that has a suit like this one. DANCING MASTER: I well believe that! Question Use the passage to answer the question. Which is a main topic of this passage? (1 point) Responses Jourdain’s vanity Jourdain’s vanity Jourdain’s musical knowledge Jourdain’s musical knowledge the Dancing Master’s trickery the Dancing Master’s trickery the Music Master’s insincerity
1 answer
Jourdain's vanity