The word function is not the MOST effective word to use in sentence 34. Select a more appropriate word to use in this sentence.

A. ritual
B. issue
C. obligation
D. situation

Story: The Train Ride (1) Seventeen-year-old Esteban heard his parents quietly talking, but he could only pick out parts of what they were saying: "Palestine, Texas... four hours. . . railroad... eagle." (2) Esteban would be graduating soon, and his parents were very proud of him. (3) "What in the world is going on?" he inquired of his father. (4) "We recently discovered a great opportunity!" responded his father enthusiastically. (5) "We are booking a trip out of Palestine on the Texas State Railroad next weekend." (6) "Fantastic!" Esteban remarked, slowly backing out of the kitchen. (7) "I hope you kids have fun!" (8) Esteban's idea of a great opportunity was a free Saturday on the sofa and a nice long nap. (9) "Son," his father said, stopping Esteban in his tracks, "you're going to be joining us. (10) It's important to spend time together as a family." (11) Esteban's family was comparatively small. (12) After a two-hour drive and a brief tour of the train depot in Palestine, the family finally boarded the train. (13) They would travel to the station in Rusk, where they would look around for about an hour and then jump back on the train for the return ride to Palestine. (14) Esteban sighed, trying to muster a positive attitude. (15) As the train rolled along, Esteban yawned and mindlessly flipped through a railroad brochure. (16) He glanced up once or twice, but soon his eyes began to feel heavy . (17) Just when he was thinking he might actually get in that Saturday afternoon nap, he was startled by his mother's voice. (18) "Look!" she exclaimed. (19) "There's an eagle!" (20) Esteban looked up in time to see a majestic bald eagle on its enormous twig nest, feeding its eager chicks. (21) Esteban was intrigued, and as the train continue d to make its waydown the tracks, he began to pay more attention to the scenery. (22) Tall pine trees swayed gently in the breeze, sunlight sparkled on the creeks below, and twin fawns frolicked next to their mother. (23) An inquisitive rabbit sat upright in some tall grass near the rails and then bolted lightning-quick when the train shot a pebble in the rabbit's direction. (24) Soon a narrator began to share bits of history about the scenic 200-year-old route. (25) Esteban was particularly interested to learn that the railroad had become a popular setting for moviemakers. (26) In fact, he discovered that in the last 40 years, more than 30 film productions had highlighted the railcars or the scenery along this exact route he was traveling. (27) Before long the train pulled into the station at Rusk. (28) The small town is located in Cherokee County. (29) Esteban and his parents looked around the depot, hoping to find a good place for lunch. (30) They ended up grabbing a burger at the Mail Car Café, a restaurant located in a historic 100-year-old mail car. (31) The family had just enough time to watch a quick documentary on the railroad before reboarding the train for the ride back to Palestine. (32) As he climbed aboard, Esteban had an entirely new attitude. (33) He eagerly took a seat and prepared for the journey, looking forward to what he might see on the other side of the tracks. (34) What had started out as a boring family function had turned into an unforgettable day.

1 answer

In sentence 34, the word "function" could be replaced with "outing" or "trip" to better convey the family's experience on the train ride.