The word bazaar is a loanword from the Persian language. From the following dictionary entry, identify the sentence in which the word bazaar is used correctly.
bazaar (buh ZAHR) n. 1. a type of market, common in the Middle East, filled with booths and small shops from which vendors sell a wide variety of items. 2. an event at which goods are sold to raise money for an organization.
0 a
When I surveyed the treasures I had found, I couldn't help but shout, "Bazaar!"
О b
It is bazaar to think that we are halfway around the world from our home.
O c
The vendor asked so little for this beautiful scarf that I thought it was a bazaar.
O d What kinds of souvenirs of our trip to Egypt would you like to find at the bazaar today?
1 answer
The correct sentence is: d. What kinds of souvenirs of our trip to Egypt would you like to find at the bazaar today?