340 m/s * sqrt(400/300) = 392.6 m/s
The velocity of sound is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature, if the molecular weight of the gas stays the same.
the velocity of sound in air 27 C is 340m/s calculate velocity of sound in air at 127 C
4 answers
I have also assumed that the "gamma" (specific heat ratio Cp/Cv) is the same for air at both temperatures (27 and 127 C). This is a valid assumption up to about 200 C.
speed of sound = sqrt(gamma*R*T/M)
M = molecular weight = 28.97 for air
gamma = specific heat ratio = 1.40 for air
T = absolute temperature
R = gas constant per mole
speed of sound = sqrt(gamma*R*T/M)
M = molecular weight = 28.97 for air
gamma = specific heat ratio = 1.40 for air
T = absolute temperature
R = gas constant per mole
392.6 m/s
wrong question